About Stormsell Weather

Welcome to Stormsell Weather! The site was originally created to host Bryant's Weather Wall. Since then I have added a number of new features focusing on Pennsylvania weather statistics and some of my favoreite weather photographs.

About Bryant Sell

Hello, my name is Bryant Sell. I live in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains of Central PA.

I began coding websites when I was 10 years old. Something else happened when I was 10- Hurricane Isabel. Although Isabel made landfall in North Carolina, it was so cool to see that the impacts of the storm could be felt 400 miles from where it made landfall. I was hooked. The timing could not have been better as the next two hurricane seasons were record breaking seasons. I continued to grow my new passion in the years following.

In May 2015, I graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with a degree in Meteorology.

Today I continue to grow my passion for meteorology by updating and expanding my website as well as interacting with the weather community on Twitter.

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As Seen On TV

Stormsell Weather Maps have been shared on Penn State's Weather World! Pictured here is a screen shot from November 1, 2021. You can also watch these WxYz segments (links below) that feature Stormsell!
WxYz January 11, 2023
WxYz July 12, 2023


'If you haven't followed Bryant on Twitter (@stormsellwx), you really should. A past WTAJ Weather intern who does great showing off the weather.'

- Joe Murgo May 17, 2022

'I always know where to find weather data... And that "where" is with @stormsellwx'

- @tornadopaigeyy Nov 30, 2022

'Great visuals, as always! Any #pawx enthusiasts out there? Bookmark this site: http://stormsellweather.com'

- @WxReppert Oct 27, 2021

Old Pages:

Eclipse 2024
Eclispe 2024 Maps